Tree Information



Wet Soil: Medium

Dry Soil: Medium

Lime: High

Acer campestre, commonly known as the Field Maple, stands as the only variety of Acer native to the UK, adding a unique touch to the British landscape. This deciduous tree of medium size boasts a shaggy, bushy canopy that imparts a natural, rural ambiance to its surroundings. The bark, greyish brown with a slightly corky texture, matures to reveal distinctive fissures.

In late spring, the Field Maple unfurls soft, dark green leaves, distinguishing it from other Acer types with their less pointed tips. Notably, the leaf stems contain a milky sap that can be harnessed for maple syrup production.

Come spring, inconspicuous yellow flowers grace the tree, contributing to its charm. These blossoms give rise to winged seeds clustered together, providing a valuable food source for wildlife. Serving as a vital food supply for insects and birds, the Field Maple plays a crucial role in supporting diverse ecosystems. As summer progresses, its foliage becomes a lush green with a honey bronze undertone. Among the UK native trees, the Field Maple distinguishes itself for its vivid and characterful autumn display. Leaves will transition to vibrant yellow hues occasionally tinged with red.

Exceptionally well-suited for hedges and forestry, the adaptability of the Acer campestre extends to various practical applications. Thriving in coastal regions, it withstands exposure to salt air and robust winds. Impressively resilient in urban environments, combating challenges such as soil compaction and pollution, the Field Maple has become a favoured choice for motorway plantings, particularly in areas characterised by chalky soil. Its versatility coupled with its aesthetic and ecological contributions, cements the Field Maples status as a treasured component of the British Landscape.

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9m high x 7m wide after 25 years


A great tree for hedging, or in parks and coastal areas.


Shaggy and bushy canopy lending a natural, rural appearance to its surroundings.


Leaves are smaller and more rounded than typical maples. One of the strongest autumn colours of all our native trees, with beautiful shades of yellow that are occasionally tinged with red.


Grey-brown and becomes finely fissured with age. A slightly corky texture.


Inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers will appear in spring.


Small winged seeds that emerge green with a touch of pink on the edges, but will gradually darken to brown.


Will grow in most soil conditions. It thrives in shallow soil over limestone, so is particularly suited for the south of the UK. Tolerates many issues such as compaction, coastal air in strong exposed winds, urban pollution, and drought.


Winged seeds serve as an excellent food source for a variety of bird species and small mammals. Numerous insects feed on the leaves, while the flowers offer abundant pollen for bees.

Available As:

Semi-Mature, Multi-stem

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